It's great to see you, whether you came here from my personal blog or you're a brand new NBUS-using friend!
As I mentioned in the blurb under the header, NBUS was coined in 2013. (If I'd thought for a minute it would become popular, I would've called it something more pronounceable!) The basic idea of this challenge is evident in the name: you are to use schtuff never before used (virginal) on your creation. It can be something you've had for years or something you got yesterday. There are no limitations on what you can create.
For the history and pronunciation of NBUS and to see a list of the prior challenges, please see the tab above or click HERE. Please also note:
- The challenges will run every month from the first day of the month to the last day of the month.
- The challenges will be just for fun and for sharing your works of art which you're proud to show contain some item of never-before-used-schtuff. While this challenge won't have prizes (except an occasional surprise), every month there will be at least one SHOWCASE entry from the month before.
- I know some of you don't have blogs and don't use social media, but you should still be able to link by clicking on the linky tool at the bottom.
- There's a new NBUS badge on the side bar if you'd like to share it.
And, of course, there have to be some RULES:
In prior NBUS Challenges, I commented on every entry. This time that won't happen, due to me being older, slower, and having more squirrel distractions, real and imagined! But, at a minimum, I will be commenting on three other entries because, squee, I'm going to be playing in the challenge, too! Even though you may not see me comment on your entry, I will be monitoring the gallery and mentally cheering your successful use of NBUS with you!
That's it! Let's turn off the news, roll up our sleeves, and start excavating and using our NBUS to keep us creating during this time of isolation and beyond! If you don't have anyone to send your cards to, send them to your local hospital or nursing home and ask that they be distributed to lonely residents.
I can't wait to see what you share with us! Thank you! (And thank you, Lolly, for your help setting up this dedicated NBUS blog!)