
I coined the acronym NBUS in 2013 and ran several challenges until 2017. The term caught on and in 2020, it is still being used in Blogland, so I thought this would be a good time to challenge you to use your NBUS to stay creative through Covid and beyond. This dedicated NBUS website is for crafty artists to share their works of art containing any brand-new virginal Never-Before-Used-Schtuff! We bought it ~ now let's use it to share and inspire others!

"I've come to the conclusion that buying craft supplies 
and actually using them are two separate hobbies." (Unk)

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

NBUS Challenge #35

This is a wonderful place to find design ideas
as we all share with each other how well we are doing
using our Never-Before-Used-Schtuff (NBUS)!

It's great to see you and I hope you're doing well! Thank you for playing in the January NBUS Challenge with all your new goodies! From all the incredible entries in January, I have randomly chosen #15 Jeanne K. to be showcased!
Congratulations, Jeanne, and thank you for sharing your wonderful creations using NBUS! 

The basic idea of this challenge is evident in the name. Whether it's something you have just purchased or something collecting dust in the back of a drawer, you are tickled when you use something never-before-used in your creation and here is where you share those NBUS works of art! There are instructions for how to link on a tab above.

As you can imagine, I have a huge mountain of NBUS, so I will also proudly share whenever I excavate and use something. (I don't know if I should admit this or not, but for the first time since 2013, every post I published in January contained something NBUS! 👏 ) 

Something New!

To thank you for sharing your NBUS all these years (or to schpark your fire if you're in a bit of slump), I am going to be randomly inviting participants to join me as guest designers! This month I'm delighted to welcome Prudence!

Hello! My name is Prudence and I am honoured to participate in my first guest design spot. Thank you, Darnell, for this wonderful opportunity. I have been collecting paper and paper-crafting products for years, but only recently started using them regularly. My card-making style leans toward clean and simple designs, although I also enjoy experimenting with different techniques and trying other design styles. You can find me over at Instagram as Penguin Parade. 
Thank you for being the Guest Designer this month, Prudence! If you would like to leave Prudence a comment and you don't have an Instagram account, you can leave her a comment below.


There are no limitations on what you can create, but there are a few RULES which you can find on the tab above. If this is your first visit, please take a minute to read them. You can also click here for answers to any questions you might have. 

You may use this badge for your blog post if you like, but it is not mandatory. 
I can't wait to see what you share with us! 
The challenge closes February 28, 2022, at 10:00 p.m. PST.

Have fun!
Thank you!


Craftychris said...

Lovely card by Jeannie and congratulations being guest designer Prudence - love your beautiful card! Hugs xxxxx

Linda W. (ScrappinBari) said...

Congrats to Prudence on being first guest designer! Just love her darling bouquet card! Thanks for continuing this fab challenge, Darnell - really makes me get out that unused stash!!

inkblocks said...

Congratulations Jeanne, that's a sweet card and welcome to Prudence, a lovely CAS card! Thanks to you Darnell for such a fun place to play along :o) Nancy J

Pat said...

Lots of wonderful NBUS makes again and congratulations to Jeanne and love the pretty softly colour hearts appearing out of the sweet little envelope with that lovely red heart, and also great to welcome Prudence as a GD this time with her prettily coloured box of flowers..such an elegant card. x

TK said...

Congrats to Jeanne K for the showcase! And congrats to Prudence, and welcome, for the GD spot! Your hatbox flowers are terrific, such a pretty card

Prudence said...

Hello and thank you all so much for the warm welcome!!! Super excited to be this month’s GD. I look forward to visiting with you soon.
Prudence @_penguinparade

Leslie Miller said...

Darnell, thank you for another month of NBUS and, Prudence, your cards are lovely. I'm happy to see you here as Darnell's first NBUS guest designer! Gee, I guess that makes you NBUS, too!

Bonnie Lynn said...

Thank you Darnell for another month of NBUS. My pile of NBUS is so large, I'm not sure I'll ever get through it. Congrats Prudence on being guest designer this month!

Izzy Scrap said...

Congratulations Jeanne for the showcase and welcome and congrats to Prudence for guest design this month at NBUS. Thanks Darnell for your great challenge !

Di said...

Lovely work by Prudence and of course well done to Jeanne as well! I'm here with what I hope is the first of a few NBUS entries this month. 2022 is the year i aim to use the huge backlog of NBUS goodies here! What a star you are Darnell for running this each month.


Di xx

Vicky Hayes said...

What a stunning card by Jeanne and lovely to see it showcased here! Congratulations to Prudence on being the first Guest Designer here and with a gorgeous card too. Love the little hat box of blooms and the stylish design. I notice the gallery here is filling up with beauties that I'm already gazing wistfully at...! Thank you for being the Hostess with the Mostest Darnell - mwah! Vicky x

Di said...

I'm back again! Love being 'encouraged' to use up my new goodies!


Di xx

maria f. said...

Allo! I've been unner a rock. You made a big ol' challenge out of NBUS (thanks for the pronunciation guide, BTW)! I must join you. I have so much sh.... schtuff. Love ya, DK.

Marianne said...

I'm so thankful for this blog (and Darnell of course). It's such a great incentive to use the stash we've all been hoarding and to show off any new goodies. Well done, Jeanne and congrats to Prudence on being this month's GD. Such lovely makes, ladies!
Marianne x

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Di said...

Me again!


Di xx

mamapez5 said...

So many entries. There must be a huge number of us hoarding stuff we haven't use. It's nice to be back. Kate x

Carol L said...

Congrats to Jeannie on making such great use of her NBUS, and congrats also to Prudence for showcasing her pretty card as well as a GD. Thanks for the inspiration from everyone and to you Darnell for having this fun challenge every month!

Christi Conley said...

What a fabulous idea to have a guest designer, Darnell!! And we definitely don't want to talk about the amount of NBUS we have or the fact that we already got our tax rebate and I don't know where it went!! Hugs!! xoxo

TK said...

Beautiful card, Prudence, and welcome! The basket of flowers is adorable, and perched upon the sentiment strip is perfect

Craftychris said...

Lovely cards from Jeannie and Prudence! I am glad to have joined in. Hugs my friend. Take care. xxxxx

Prudence said...

Hello!!! I just want to say thank you again to Darnell and to all of you for this wonderful experience. It was a pleasure visiting with you and reading your stories. I learned some new techniques and gained new appreciation for forgotten ones. Take care. Stay safe and keep crafting.